The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has launched ‘One Time Registration’ (OTR) platform on the Commission’s website at and This service will help decrease the time taken by a candidate to fill their application forms.
Through this facility, candidates will be able to save their personal and other details on the UPSC website, which will save them
from filling in their basic personal details again for any subsequent examination being conducted by the UPSC. In addition to this, it will also help ensure that there are no spelling or factual errors when candidates fill forms for multiple vacancies or exams.
“Since about 70% information of an aspirant in the OTR will automatically be pre-populated in the online application form of an Examination, the time for filling/submitting an online application form will be reduced considerably,” the official notification on UPSC website read.
Aspirants will now have to register themselves in the OTR platform by filling up their basic personal information, and once the information is filled, it will remain saved securely in the Commission’s servers. So, next time the applicant wishes to apply for any vacancy or exam, the aspirant’s information will get automatically populated in the online application form of the examination for which she/he applies.
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