Written by AglaSem | New Delhi |
Updated: August 26, 2020 12:45:43 pm
Check preparation strategy for UPSC IES 2020
UPSC IES 2020: The Indian Engineering Service (IES) examination is an aspiration for many engineering graduates to secure a career in government engineering departments. Those who clear the exam are commissioned as gazetted officers of the Indian government’s engineering services.
Evidently, IES offers an opportunity to establish a top-notch engineering career in the public sector of the country. However, as easy as it might sound, the IES 2020 is not just another engineer recruitment competitive exam that can be cracked with average preparations. The IES 2020 application process is already over and the UPSC conducted the Tier-I exam, that is, the prelims on January 5.
Like in other UPSC exams, those who qualify the IES prelims exam will become eligible to appear in the main. The catch is the UPSC has already announced the exam dates of the IES Main exam, and it is high time that candidates indulge in extending those last extra efforts to see their roll numbers topping the merit list.
IES 2020 main exam is scheduled to be conducted on October 18, in centres across the country and candidates are eagerly waiting for the release of the admit cards for the exam.
Here are some important preparation tips for the main exam:
The main exam of IES 2020 consists of two papers of 300 marks each. For each paper, candidates are allowed only three hours and let us mention this if not already know; the IES 2020 main question paper consists of both objective and descriptive type questions.
So for those who are appearing for the IES 2020 Main in their first attempt might face a little confusion as to what might be the structure and pattern of the question paper. For example, are there different sections for the objective questions and descriptive questions? Or are the questions randomly distributed across the paper? Knowing answers to these questions is essential to devise a strategy to manage the time effectively and the solution is very simple.
Just refer to the previous year question paper of IES 2020. Know the pattern, check out the type and nature of questions, marks distribution etc. from the question papers.
Since the syllabus of the prelims and main exams of IES 2020 are somewhat similar, a common misconception is that studying for one automatically empowers the candidate to crack the other. However, this is not true. Despite the syllabus being similar, the approaches to take the test for the prelims and main exams are different.
While the prelims are designed to test the candidate’s factual knowledge for initial screening, the main exams are not just qualifying in nature. Candidates can expect an in-depth analysis of concepts while answering the questions of the IES main paper. Having a thorough knowledge of the concerned engineering subjects is not enough. One must be able to think and deduce conclusions.
If not already started, it is strongly recommended that candidates start scribbling short notes. As mentioned earlier, the main exam is technical in nature. One cannot simply crack the IES exam by writing about superficial ideas. There is no scope to fill up the sheets with repetitive wordings. The only strategy is to revisit the basics and grow strong by understanding the concepts, memorising formulae, tools and techniques and methods of their implementation.
Find yourself a peer or a group study mate. Indulge in discussing engineering concepts and ideas with them. This can be done as a casual activity but at the same time, do not forget to deduce important conclusions that come out of the discussions.
Brainstorm topics that have been asked in the IES main in previous years and see what analysis follows. Train the mind to think in-depth rather than just knowing the subject superficially. This method is unfailing whenever it comes to answering descriptive questions.
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