Written by AglaSem | New Delhi |
Updated: October 20, 2020 9:35:54 am
UPSC IAS prelims result will be announced soon. Image source: aglasem.com
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducted the Civil Services Examination (CSE) prelims on October 4 this year. A total of 10.58 lakh candidates appeared for the preliminary examination. As opposed to previous years, the time gap between prelims and main is very less. Hence, it is essential for candidates to calculate their approximate score in prelims to devise a preparation strategy for the next step.
According to officials, the cut-off determining the IAS result shall remain identical to last year due to the similar paper pattern and conventional questions with only the current affairs section being slightly tricky. Here are the previous three years’ (2019, 2018, 2017) cut-offs for candidates to obtain a general idea of the marks required for clearing the preliminary examination.
UPSC IAS exam cut-offs may slightly deviate from the cut-offs of previous years. The range of marks also may or may not remain the same. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and uncertainty in the examination scenario, cut-offs are predicted to remain low. In 2019, the category-based cut-off marks did not show much variation in comparison to 2018. The general category cut-off for both years remained the same.
The 2019 cut-off marks were 98 for general category candidates, 90 marks EWS category, 95.34 for OBC category aspirants, 82 for SC candidates and 77.34 for ST candidates. PwBD candidates had different cut-offs depending on their category number (PwBD -1/2/3/4).
The 2018 cut-off marks for each category saw a significant deviation from those of 2017. In 2018, a considerable decrease in the cut-off marks was seen for the general category candidates compared to 2017. The cut-off marks were 98 for general category candidates, 96.66 for OBC category aspirants, 84 for SC candidates and 83.34 for ST candidates. PwBD category cut-offs were decided based on their category number (PwBD -1/2/3/5).
In 2017, the cut-off marks were 105.34 for general category candidates, 102.66 for OBC category aspirants, 88.66 for SC candidates and 88.66 for ST candidates as well. PH candidates had different cut-offs depending on their category number (PH -1/2/3).
UPSC IAS cut-offs may be lower than the previous three years on account of multiple reasons. Hence, predicting this year’s cut-off by comparing with previous years may not be accurate but helpful nonetheless. However, candidates can get an idea of whether they have qualified for UPSC Main or not. Still, we suggest that candidates should not take the previous year’s cut-off as a final verdict and give their 100 per cent in preparing for the Mains.
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