By: Careers Desk | New Delhi |

November 30, 2020 8:47:23 pm, tnsurb constable, admit card, govt jobs, employment news, sarkari naukri, tnusrbonline.orgTNUSRB admit card: Download at (Image by Pixabay/Representational)

TNUSRB constable admit card: The Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNSURB) released the admit card for the police constables recruitment exam at its official website,

The admit card is released for the written exam. Those who clear the written test will have to appear for the physical efficiency test, viva-voice. The recruitment drive is for over 10,000 jobs including those for police constables, jail warden and, fireman posts.

TNUSRB constable admit card: How to download

Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on the admit card link
Step 3: Login using credentials
Step 4: Download admit card, take a print out

Meanwhile, UPSC has released a notification for 35 vacancies of statistical officer posts, and one for superintendent post. The interested candidates can apply online on or before December 17 at the official website, or The last date for printing of online application is December 18.

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