SSC JHT, SHT, Hindi Paradhyapak result at (Image by Pexels/Representational)
SSC JHT, SHT and Hindi Paradhyapak 2019 result: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) released the result for the junior Hindi translator (JHT), junior translator, senior Hindi translator and Hindi pradhyapak exam 2019 at its official website The paper-II was held on February 16 and the document verification was conducted on June 16. A total of 325 candidates qualified for appointment to various posts in different Ministry, departments, and offices.
Allocation of posts and departments to qualified candidates has been made on the basis of merit-cum-‘order of preference’. There are some aspirants whose candidatures have been kept as provisional by the concerned regional offices but are also included in the select list. Concerned user departments will check the eligibility of such candidates thoroughly at the time of nomination, states the official notice.
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Marks of the qualified and non-qualified candidates will be uploaded on the website of the commission on November 17. This facility will be available for a period of one month and close on December 16. Candidates may check their individual marks by using their registration number and password and click on the result/marks tab on the candidate dashboard.
“If a candidate is finally selected and does not receive any communication from the Commission or the concerned User Department within a period of one year after the declaration of the final result, he/she must bring it to the notice of the user department immediately thereafter,” the official notice read.
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