SSC JE admit card: Download from regional websites (Representational image/ Pixabay)
SSC JE admit card 2020: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the admit card or hall ticket for the junior engineer recruitment exam at its respective regional websites. Candidates who registered for the exam can check their status or download admit card from respective websites. For instance, the north-west region website is
The exam will begin on October 27 and will be held till October 30. Candidate must carry an original photo identity card having the date of birth as printed on the admission certificate. In case of mismatch in the date of birth mentioned in the admission certificate and original photo ID or the certificate brought in support of date of birth, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination, as per rules.
SSC JE admit card 2020: How to download
Step 1: Visit the official website
Step 2: Click on the admit card/status link
Step 3: Log-in using credentials
Step 4: Admit card will appear, download
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Since the exam is being held amid the pandemic, candidates also have to consider the COVID-related instructions. Students will have to maintain social distance between themselves as well as wear masks or face shields. In addition to usual rules, candidates will be allowed to take sanitiser along with them to the exam hall.
There has been a slight change in the exam schedule, for candidates from Bihar the exam is scheduled to be conducted on December 11. Paper 2 which was scheduled on January 31, will now be held on March 21, 2021.
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