The SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam for the year 2022 commenced today on April 11 and will conclude on April 21, 2022. The computer-based tests (CBT) are being conducted in phases.

This exam is conducted for the recruitment of Group B and Group C posts in various ministries and includes posts such as Accountant, Senior Secretariat Assistant, Upper Division Clerks, Junior Statistical Officer, Tax Assistants, etc.

As the exam is conducted in phases it is important that aspirants whose exams are upcoming keep an eye on the type of questions asked in the exam, and their weightage in order to prepare well for the exam.

Exam pattern

The SSC CGL exam has 100 questions divided into four sections: General Intelligence and Reasoning (25), Quantitative Aptitude (25), English (25), and General Awareness (25). Candidates must know their strong and weak points and dedicate the time as per their needs. In general, more time might be needed for the Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude sections. Each question carried two marks and 0.5 marks are being deducted for every wrong answer.

Quantitative Aptitude

The questions from Quantitative Aptitude circled around concepts such as number systems, decimals and fractions, arithmetical, percentage, ratio and proportion, averages, interest, profit and loss, discount, mensuration, time and distance and work, and trigonometry. Around 18 questions were moderate or easy, and a few questions were tricky and time taking. The best approach would have been to undertake this part first, considering the time required.

Logical Reasoning

The questions from logical reasoning were centered around traditionally important topics such as analogies, classification, coding-decoding, Venn diagram, direction and distance, blood relations, series, non-verbal reasoning. Most of the questions were easy and could have been solved if candidates had practiced such questions before the exam.

General Awareness

The questions from General Awareness were centered around current affairs and basic general knowledge including Polity, Geography, Science, and Economics. The candidates had mixed responses with respect to this section — while some found it easy, some opined that questions were hard to predict. Overall, this section had 18-20 easy questions.

English language and grammar

The English questions were easy and anyone with practical knowledge of grammar could have easily solved 20-22 questions. However, some of the questions were tough and required an expert-level command of the language.

Overall analysis

The complete paper was relatively easy, with 70 – 75 questions in this category. Around 15 – 20 questions were moderate, and 5- 10 questions can be described as being tough. Candidates with good practice could have easily solved around 80-85 questions with a high accuracy rate.

(The writer is the the Cofounder and CEO of Edukemy)

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