Job Description :
Financial Responsibilities 100% achievement of the assigned targets for sales and collection Doing Marketing activities , leafleting , Canopy . Identifying new source of business prospect and areas Coordinating with prospective customer and existing customers for sourcing new business Serving customer queries and Build up customer relationship and develop brand value in the market Attending all the customer queries and providing resolution to their issues accordingly. Portfolio Management in Co-ordination with Operations & Collection department Physical verification of customer’s residence, business and any other asset crucial from credit point of view and taking photographs. Following BM/PM and senior instruction , coordinating with FI, Collection , Valuation , Legal team for getting the desired visits done reports . Visiting the customers for first FI and meeting taking the seniors to the customer place for visit and verification. Physical Verification of credit related documents like ITR’S, Bank Statements, receipts, ledger etc. and the property documents- Doing OSV ( Original Seen and verified) of these documents. Preparing basic CAM ( Credit Appraisal Memo) Taking reference Check of customer from local market and existing customers. Following policies & procedure as laid down by the company. Portfolio Management and visit to delinquent cases, doing collection of EMI’s of such delinquent cases in calibration with collection team. Awareness, maintaining and stopping the Early Delinquency , Non starter cases in portfolio , make the team trained and action oriented towards wrong decisioning and treatment of such cases at priority. Manitaing least OTC / PDD pendency and tiomly clearance of the same. Ensure to maintained non RPDC portfolio , all cases of portfolio should be ACH. Maintaining and collection of fresh bouncing cases EMI with charges as mentioned in policy, try to get the operational errors corrected and get the 100% cases repayment in NON PDC mode. collection of fresh data from open marketing activities for tele calling and self sourcing . Following of the leads so generated from this data receiving from telemarketing team Completing the documentation of the files , filling the agreements , formats and other formalities for the disbursement of the case Clearing all queries coming from credit , OPS , Legal , Valuation . Timely submission of daily MIS and sourcing data to reporting authority Non Financial Responsibilities Providing true and fair opinion based on customer’s interaction. Clearing all the queries of the customer and make sure to clear him final ROI , Fess , Charges , and all other terms of the case absolute terms Should not involve in any financial/non-financial transaction with the customer Maintaining good and decent behaviour while dealing with the customer, visiting his property , shop , go down and specially while taking photos of the property and house and surrounding with permission of the customer. Conducting the customer reference checks with at most sincerity and maturity – so the goodwill of the client should not be hampered or no defame should be there . Be sure not to disclose any financial or personal information of the existing / new clients with any ( existing / prospective clients ) or to anybody whomsoever outside company. Compliance & Risk Responsibilities Taking responsibility of confidentiality of information’s gathered from clients Taking the responsibility of company information – not to share the with anybody out of company in any form , Verbal , written , soft , mail any way -whatsoever showing and presenting all information collected for any case in healthy and clear terms , not to present any information related to customer , property , credit check , reference etc. about any customer while presenting the case of profile in visiting or appraising the case safeguard of company assets provided for serving job responsibilities , like I Card , SIM, Marketing material , Computer Systems etc.

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