1- Contracts management
. Agree on the operational feasibility of the contract terms covering the Repo and Loan Operations (GMSLA, GMRA, Long Form Confirmations, etc.) to the Legal Department and the FO
. Coordinates actions with APTP teams on the operational feasibility of the various clauses if necessary
. Monitors quality indicators
2- Valuation calculation and control
. Analysis of valuation changes from one day to the next (portfolio, valuation, etc.)
. Ensures daily margin calls are correctly calculated in systems, escalates alerts and supports corrections as needed (scope of incorrect deals, missing prices, delays in COLT calculations, Collat One etc.)
3- Collateral management of and margin calls on Repo activity and Borrowings loans
. Notify daily margin calls to individual customers according to the defined rules and support, in time, customer requests to confirm daily exposures
. Instructs the teams in charge of the implementation of the cash payments and the necessary securities deliveries
. Supports the necessary actions for the clients management by default (management alert and FO)
. Manages the exchange of collateral associated with FOP deals on a daily basis according to the rules defined in the contracts
. Implements counterparty supervision according to the rules defined by the risk management.
4- Optimization of the collateral pool dedicated to the borrowing and Repo activity:
. Anticipation of collateral needs and exposure + shorts coverage in the dedicated pool
. Optimisation of the collateral to be posted against the schedule agreed between SG and its counterparties
. The management of OSTs on securities exchanged as collateral
. Ensures algo optimization by tracing proposal inconsistencies
5- Dispute Management
. Supports the management of recurring disputes and those relating to sensitive customers and/or large amounts
. Monitors the correct resolution of discrepancies handled by the Collateral Manager
. Alert and review disputes (reporting, monitoring of indicators) and ensure compliance with regulatory constraints (process, deadline, etc.)
6- Portfolio reconciliation
. Centralises and supports the monitoring of recurring valuation variances and is the interface with the valuation control teams
. Is the preferred internal control contact for KRI monitoring and analysis
. Is the privileged contact of OPER line on collateral reconciliation
7- Project studies:
. Writes more complex procedures (Synthetic Operating Modes) and proposes continuous changes in the process and/or monitoring indicators. Do not hesitate to review the new controls to be implemented or the risk areas.
8- Perimeter and characteristic dimensions
. Accompanies and/or trains Collateral Managers on processes and products
The main issues for the position in 2019 are:
– Continue to develop its expertise and versatility in order to maintain a strong control of operational/credit risks, in a very changing context (regulatory changes, global coverage of default management), etc. )
– Contribute to the development and strengthening of the international set up by working with its manager on follow the sun and resilience
– Prepare for the future by contributing to projects in the Collateral business transformation programs,
– Focus on leadership model and commitment as well as the development of a customer culture.
– Contribute to the development of the business and to the improvement of the quality of the service by improving efficiency and reliability of processes (IT, Controls, implementation of a new exposure calculator tool, etc.), but also by ensuring constant customer support
– Maintain discipline on our costs, seek to simplify and improve operational efficiency on a day-to-day basis, notably through increased measurement of the performance of our processes, macro development, etc.
– Maintain motivation and commitment, contribute to the success of projects impacting our business
– Contributing to the preparation for the future in a sensitive regulatory environment’
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