JobTile- SeleniumAutomationTest Engineer
ExpRange- 3to 8 Years
PreferredLocation- Indore
Inthis role, candidate will be responsible for estimation, design,development and maintenance of functional and regression testautomation scripts.
Candidatemust be experienced in Agile/Waterfall, onsite/offshore work modeland coordination. must be proficient in Selenium and JAVA. Forthis role, you require knowledge and experience in software qualityassurance and the ability to work well with both business clients andtechnical teams. Need strong Selenium, Java skills.
Knowledgeand Technical Skills Required:
3+years of hands on expertise in Selenium and/or Java development.Experience in developing Selenium automation framework from scratch.
Handson experience with MySQL, Jenkins, Maven, Bitbucket. Experience intest automation for Agile Continuous Integration/Development.
Experiencewith at least one RDBMS. REST/SOAP Cloud Experience.
Abilityto work both independently and in a collaborative environment.Experience in creation of automation testing strategy and automationdesign document. Basic knowledge in mainframe related testing.

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