Job Description :
A. Responsible for Sourcing of Consumer Durable & Life style products in assigned locations:1. Responsible for driving Sales plans, to ensure that the budgeted numbers are met, by timely tracking the budget v/s actual numbers. Initializing and monitoring of various Sales Contests for the Bank and the outsourced Staff as well to enhance Sales numbers and to focus on the sale of new products launched.B. Accountable for Sales Targets, Lead Management & BDR’s productivity:1. Monitoring of productivity for Bank Staff and FOS staff and to ensure that the productivity benchmarks are meet.2. Timely monitoring and issuing Performance Memos through the outsourced HR to non performing Out Sourced staff, thus saving on the manpower Cost and highlighted non performing BANK Staff productivity to higher management for further course of action. 3. Tracking of various new initiatives of the Bank /Channels in order to ensure focus is maintained on the new products launchedC. Responsible for Branch Displays and Lead Generation Activities:1. Responsible for organising product displays and setting up market setups and providing valid inputs/ by running various initiatives for achieving the FYs targets for EasyEMI enhancement through branches and tracking Branch wise MIS.D. Responsible for Branch Targets and various Cross sells:1. The IFB Team is also expected to cross sell other liability products of the bank including Credit cards, Current accounts, savings accounts, salary accounts and fixed deposits.2. The SM is responsible to source and meet the target set along with the BDRs and self sourcing.E. Responsible for Channel Management and generating biz from approved Channel partners. Building Proper Distribution in his locations for BDRs, Channels:1. Responsible for sourcing Business from Branches( Internal Customers, RM Channel, corporate salary, ABM Channel etc. ), Phone Banking, VRM, COP, PRIME, EEG, HL, and other internal channels of the bank, Open Market ( Catchment areas Near Branches ).Skills1. Sales, Interpersonal and Influencing Skills2. Ability to aggressively work under sales Pressure.3. Result oriented approach and strong execution skills.4. Multitasking ability.5. Analytical and presentation skills.6. Planning and Organizing Skills7. Good Communication Skills8. Knowledge of Competition & Current trends in financial Industry.

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