Note : Do not trust a company which is not registered under Ministry of Corporate Affair and does not have Corporate Identification Number (CIN) and PAN & TAN No. that could be verified through
Govt. Site : in/mcafoportal/

MINANSHIKA, a company registered under Ministry of Corporate Affairs – Government of India and having Trade Mark, ISO, IAF, MSME, SSL Certificates and TAN & PAN Card in company’s name, is hiring serious Data Entry Operators who can work from home.
Candidates must have their Laptop / Desktop at home. Candidates must have good knowledge of MS-Office like Word, Excel and Internet.
We have professional mail id for providing jobs details & Offer letter. We don’t use Gmail id.
Job Details
Post : Data Entry Operator
Job Type : Work from Home / Full Time / Contractual Job
Vacancy : 20
Skill : MS Word, MS Excel & Internet
Typing Speed : 20 wpm to 30 wpm
Working Hours : Minimum 6 hrs. to 8 hrs. at home
Work Type : Online
Interview : Telephonic
Test : Typing Speed & Accuracy
Job Training : Online (Only for selected candidates)
Projects to be worked on :
1) Medical Content Writing (Salary – Rs.10K to Rs.40K)

2) Data Entry in Excel sheet (Salary – Rs.10K to Rs.40K)
3) Manual Writing Project (Salary – Rs.10K to Rs.60K)

4) USA EDU Survey Project (Salary – Rs.10K to Rs.50K)
5) Digital Parts Form Filling (Salary – Rs.10K to Rs.40K)
6) Data Processing (Salary – Rs.10K to Rs.30K)
Interested candidates can call / Whats-app @ 9088213433 their details in given format
Name :
Contact No. :
E-mail ID :
City :
Live Demo : Required
Click on the link for LIVE JOB DEMO:
Note : We don’t claim that the job is very easy and it can be done by anyone spending only 2 hrs. to 3 hrs. daily with great income.

We don’t have any short cut high income policy.
Beware: Some Companies and group of people are posting ads showing our company’s project (Job) Demo or image like Excel Numeric, Manual Form Filling etc and using their whats-app no. for chatting for scamming people.
Contact us for getting list of scam people and companies.

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