NABARD Grade A Preparation Strategy Reasoning and English Language: The National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is inviting applications from Indian citizens for the post of Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ in the Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS)/ (Rajbhasha Service) and (Protocol & Security Service). Candidates can apply online for NABARD Grade A posts till 7th August 2022. The NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam Date 2022 for the post of RDBS/ Rajbhasha is yet to be announced.

In this article, we have shared the NABARD Grade A Prelims Preparation Strategy for Reasoning and English Language for the post of Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ in the Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS) / (Rajbhasha Service).


NABARD is an all India Apex Organization, wholly owned by Government of India and is equal opportunity employer.

NABARD Grade A Recruitment 2022 Calendar



NABARD Grade A Notification 2022

12th July 2022

Online Application Start Date

18th July 2022

Last Date to Apply for NABARD Grade A

7th August 2022

NABARD Grade A Prelims Admit Card

To be notified

NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam Date (RDBS/Rajbhasha)

To be notified

NABARD Grade A Mains Admit Card

To be notified

NABARD Grade A Mains Exam Date (RDBS/Rajbhasha)

To be notified

NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern 2022

Candidates applying for the post of Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ in the Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS) / (Rajbhasha Service) will appear for the Preliminary and Mains exam. Candidates who are successful in both prelims and mains will appear for the Interview.

Phase-1: NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam

The Preliminary exam will be qualifying in nature. The Qualifying Section in the prelims will include test of Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, Decision Making. The Merit Section in the Prelims exam will include General Awareness, Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India), Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India.



Name of the Test

No. of







Test of Reasoning



Bilingual – Hindi and English except test of English language

Composite time

of 120 Minutes for all the tests together


English Language




Computer Knowledge




Quantitative Aptitude




Decision Making




General Awareness




Eco & Soc. Issues (with focus on Rural India)




Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India






120 Minutes

How to Prepare for Reasoning in the NABARD Grade A Prelims 2022?

Syllabus: Alphabetical & Alphanumeric Series, Coding & Decoding, Syllogism, Direction Sense, Inequality, Ranking, Blood Relation, Seating Arrangement, Puzzles, Machine Input Output, Statement – Assumption, Statement – Course of Action, Cause and Effect, Statement Argument, Statement Conclusion, and Data Sufficiency.

As per NABARD Grade A Previous Years Exam Analysis, candidates were able to make 9-11 good attempts (2021) and 14-16 good attempts (2020) in the Reasoning section. One can expect questions from topics such as Puzzle & Seating Arrangements, Data Sufficiency, Coding-Decoding, Inequalities, Blood Relation, etc.

(i) Regularly solve at least 10 to 20 Reasoning questions from different topics

One should solve at least 10 to 20 Reasoning questions from different topics mentioned in the Reasoning Section of the NABARD Grade A Prelims. Some of the important topics are Puzzles/ Seating Arrangement, Inequality, Syllogism, Alphanumeric Series, Input-Output, Blood Relations, and Direction Sense.

(ii) Practice Reasoning Ability quizzes, mock test papers, previous years’ papers

The Reasoning section is allotted 20 minutes for 35 questions. Practice as many Reasoning quizzes, mock test papers, previous years’ papers as possible to keep assessing your performance. One should solve previous years’ question papers with a timer in place to adapt to the exam pattern of the NABARD Grade A Prelims 2022. Master basic Reasoning Skills, understand concepts of Puzzles/Seating Arrangement, etc to increase speed and accuracy.

(iii) Reasoning Topic-wise preparation tips and strategies

We have shared the important topic and topics-wise expected number of questions in the Reasoning section in the NABARD Grade A Prelims 2022 to help you score better. Practice different Puzzles/Seating Arrangement questions (Linear, Circular, Square, Scheduling-based, Comparison-based, etc); Blood Relations (Direct or Coded Blood Relation, Generation or Relationship Tree, etc). Practice Direction Sense (draw lines while solving to keep clarity), Alphanumeric/Number Series, Syllogism, Inequality, and Input-Output.

Seating Arrangement/Puzzles: Practice all types of Seating Arrangement/Puzzles questions to score high. One should solve and understand the pattern of puzzles, seating arrangements questions such as linear arrangement and circular arrangement. Questions can also include diagram-based questions. One can expect 5 to 10 seating arrangement/puzzles questions.

Syllogism: Candidates can expect 4 to 5 syllogism questions with a slightly difficult level. Study the basics of Syllogism. Ace how to draw the Venn Diagram to avoid overlapping of categories mentioned in different statements. Practice as many mock tests as possible to develop accuracy.

Blood Relation: Candidates are advised to break the statements in the Blood Relation questions into subparts using a family tree diagram. Start with the last person mentioned in the question. This will reduce the confusion. Never assume the gender if it is not mentioned in the question. One can expect 3 to 5 blood relation questions.

Distance & Direction: Candidates should consider all eight directions and assume they are facing North to reduce limitations when solving. For rotation-based questions, one should assume the subject is rotating clockwise or anti-clockwise relative to the direction in which they are facing. One can expect 3 to 5 distance & direction questions.

Data Sufficiency: One of the time-consuming topics that require mental reasoning. One is advised to analyze and write down the gist of the question to avoid complications. Practice will help in increasing accuracy and speed in understanding the data provided. One can expect 4 to 5 data sufficiency questions.

Coding-Decoding: One should analyze the alphabets & numbers carefully to recognize if there is any pattern or rule for the elements mentioned in the questions. Always assess if the coding is in ascending or descending order. One can expect 3 to 5 coding-decoding questions.

How to Prepare for English Language in the NABARD Grade A Prelims 2022?

Syllabus: Reading Comprehension, Sentence Rearrangement, Error Detection, Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms, One-word Substitution), Cloze Test, and Para Jumbles.

As per NABARD Grade A Previous Years Exam Analysis, candidates were able to make 17-20 good attempts (2021) and 29-33 good attempts (2020) in the Reasoning section. One can expect questions from topics such as Reading Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Rearrangement, Fillers, Word Replacement, etc.

(i) Regularly solve at least 20 English Language questions and 3 to 5 Reading Comprehensions

Solve at least 10 questions each from Grammar and Vocabulary topics to improve your memory, concepts, and learn new words. Attempt 3 to 5 Reading Comprehensions to develop a strategy while reading and answering the questions related to the passages. This will help in increasing your ability to spot keywords, phrases, and find the right answers to the questions. The maximum number of questions come from Reading Comprehension, hence practice a lot.

(ii) Practice English Language quizzes, mock test papers, previous years’ papers

Practice is the key to scoring high in the English Language in the NABARD Grade B Prelims 2022. The mock tests, quizzes, previous years’ papers give an assessment of your strong and weak areas, overall performance, current score average, and speed at solving questions. Solve as many grammar exercises from Wren and Martin as possible. Sit with a timer always to adapt to the real-time exam settings.

(iii) Quick tips to solve important topic-wise questions in English Language

Cloze Test (find the logical relation between all options while eliminating options), Para Jumbles (find the first sentence and concluding sentences to connect the fitting sequence), Sentence Correction (assess the grammar of the original sentence and eliminate options that grammatically incorrect), Error Detection (spot the subject-verb agreement, read each individual part to spot further error), Reading Comprehension (solve antonym & synonym first, never use any knowledge outside the passage, grasp what the author is trying to say, spot keywords, phrases in notes sections).

(iv) English Language Topic-wise preparation tips and strategies

Reading Comprehension: There is no one size fits all strategy for attempting RC questions. Regular practice is crucial to developing your speed, understanding tones of RCs. A strong understanding of grammar and vocabulary is required. The RCs are usually based on economy, banking, financial current affairs, vocabulary & grammar, and theme-based questions. Regularly read newspapers articles to develop reading skills.

Sentence Rearrangement: These questions include rearranging jumbled lines to form a sensible sentence. Strong vocabulary and grammar aid in finding the logical sequence of the lines. Look at the connectors to spot the flow. Look at the articles, adverbs, definers, connectors, pronouns, etc to take cues while arranging the lines of the sentences.

Error Detection: A strong understanding of grammar and vocabulary is a MUST for spotting grammatically incorrect sentences. Brush up basic rules of grammar, tenses, verbs, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, conjunction, articles, singular & plural rules, vocabulary to spot errors in the sentence. Regular reading practice will also aid in solving Error Detection questions.

Synonyms & Antonyms: Candidates must be well versed that synonyms are words or phrases that carry the identical meaning as the word in question while antonyms are words or phrases that are the opposites of the word in question. Scoring high in Synonyms & Antonyms questions requires a good hold of vocabulary. Learn at least 10 -20 new words every day.

Cloze Test: A good command over English Grammar, Vocabulary, Nouns, pronouns, tenses, prepositions, conjunctions, adjectives, subject-verb, and agreement rule, etc, Idioms & Phrases, and Clauses are the key to solving Cloze Test (Fill in the Blanks) questions in English Language. The questions usually have a clue hence it is advised to re-read the sentences twice or thrice carefully.

Para Jumbles: Candidates should first read the sections of the sentences carefully to understand the main theme of the paragraph. Look at the articles, adverbs, definers, connectors, pronouns, etc to take cues while arranging the phrases. Good practice of error detection and sentence correction comes in handy while solving para jumbles.

NABARD Grade A Assistant Manager RDBS/Rajbhasha Service Apply Online

NABARD Grade A Assistant Manager Protocol & Security Service Apply Online

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