SBI CBO 2021 Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2021: The SBI CBO 2021 Exam will be held in January 2022 (tentative) for the recruitment of 1,226 Circle Based Officers (CBO) in different offices of the State Bank of India. Check SBI CBO 2021 Latest Exam Pattern & Section-wise Syllabus.
SBI CBO 2021 Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2021: The SBI CBO 2021 Exams will be held in January 2022 (tentative) for the recruitment of 1,226 Circle Based Officers (CBO) in different offices of the State Bank of India. The SBI CBO Recruitment 2021 Notification was released on 8th December 2021. The registration for SBI CBO 2021 Recruitment began on 9th December 2021 and is open till 29th December 2021. The SBI CBO 2021 Exam Admit Card will be available on the 12th January 2022 for candidates to download. Candidates will be selected based on their performance in the Online Written Test, Screening, and Interview. Check here SBI CBO 2021 Latest Exam Pattern and Section-wise Syllabus, and Exam Dates.
SBI CBO 2021: Important Dates
SBI CBO 2021 Recruitment Events |
Date |
SBI Circle Based Officer Notification |
08th December 2021 |
SBI CBO Online Registration Start Date |
09th December 2021 |
SBI CBO Online Registration Last Date |
29th December 2021 |
Online Fee Payment |
09th to 26th December 2021 |
Last Date for Editing the Application |
29th December 2021 |
Last Date of Printing Online Application |
13th January 2022 |
SBI CBO Call Letter (Admit Card) |
12th January 2022 |
SBI CBO 2021 Exam Date |
January 2022 (Tentative) |
SBI CBO 2021 Interview |
To Be Notified |
SBI Circle Based Officer Result |
To Be Notified |
SBI CBO Notification 2021 PDF- Click Here
SBI CBO 2021: Exam Pattern
The SBI CBO 2021 Recruitment Process consists of Online Written Tests, Screening, and Interview. The Online Written Tests will include two tests – Objective Test (Online) and Descriptive Test (Online). The total duration of both tests is 2 hours and 30 minutes. Candidates will be asked a total of 170 questions for 170 marks. The duration of the Objective Test (Online) is 2 hours and it will consist of 4 Sections for a total of 120 marks. There will be separate timing for every section. The duration of the Descriptive Test (Online) is 30 minutes and it will consist of 2 questions for a total of 50 marks.
SBI CBO 2021: Online Written Tests
Test A: Objective Test (Online)
Name of Test |
No of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
English Language |
30 |
30 |
30 mins |
Banking Knowledge |
40 |
40 |
40 mins |
General Awareness/Economy |
30 |
30 |
30 mins |
Computer Aptitude |
20 |
20 |
20 mins |
Total |
120 |
120 |
2 hours |
SBI CBO 2021 Test B: Descriptive Test (Online)
B. Name of Test (Descriptive Test) |
No of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
Letter Writing |
1 |
25 |
30 mins |
Essay |
1 |
25 |
Total |
2 |
50 |
30 mins |
NOTE: Merit list will be drawn State wise and Category wise on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in the Online Written Test. There will be no sectional qualifying marks. Candidates numbering up to 3 times (approx.) of the State wise and Category wise vacancies will be shortlisted for Screening from the top of the merit list drawn on State wise and Category wise subject to a candidate scoring the minimum aggregate qualifying score, as decided by the Bank.
There will be no penalty for wrong answers marked in Objective Tests. Sectional Marks will not be maintained for Online Written examinations.
SBI CBO 2021: Screening
Candidates shortlisted in the Online Written Test based on their performance will be called in for the Screening process. The Screening Committee constituted by the Bank will examine whether the candidates fulfill the required eligibility criteria of experience. The Committee will match the job profile submitted by the candidates (certified by their existing/ previous employer(s) with whom they are/were employed) with the job profile of Scale-I Generalist Officer of the State Bank of India.
SBI CBO 2021: Interview
The candidates who fulfill qualify the Screening process will be called for an interview. The SBI CBO 2021 Interview will consist of 50 marks. Candidates will have to score minimum qualifying marks in the interview to be considered for final selection. The minimum qualifying marks will be decided by the Bank.
NOTE: Candidates qualifying for an interview under the ‘OBC’ category would be required to submit an OBC certificate containing the ‘Non-Creamy layer’ clause. Candidates who have registered themselves as OBC but do not submit OBC ‘Non-Creamy layer’ certificate and request for an interview under the General category will not be entertained. Candidates qualifying for the interview under the EWS category would be required to submit an EWS certificate issued based on gross annual income for the financial year 2020-21 as per DoPT guidelines. Candidates who have registered themselves as EWS but do not submit EWS certificate issued based on gross annual income for the financial year 2020-21 as per DoPT guidelines and request for an interview under the General category will not be entertained.
SBI CBO 2021: Final Merit List
The candidates will have to qualify both in Online Written Test and Interview separately. The marks obtained in the Online Written Test (both in the Objective Test and the Descriptive Test) will be added to the marks obtained in the Interview for preparing the final merit list. The final merit list would be prepared based on normalization of marks scored in the Online Written Test and Interview with 75:25 weightage respectively. The final merit list (State-wise and Category-wise) is arrived at after aggregating (out of 100) converted marks of the Online Written Test and Interview. Selection will be made from the top-ranked candidates in the Final Merit List (State-wise and Category-wise).
SBI CBO 2021: Syllabus
The SBI CBO 2021 Exam Syllabus includes Reasoning Ability, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness and Computer Knowledge.
Reasoning Ability |
English Language |
Quantitative Aptitude |
General Awareness and Computer Knowledge |
Seating Arrangements Puzzles Inequalities Syllogism Input-Output Data Sufficiency Blood Relations Order and Ranking Alphanumeric Series Distance and Direction Verbal Reasoning |
Cloze Test Reading Comprehension Spotting Errors Sentence Improvement Sentence Correction Para Jumbles Fill in the Blanks Para/Sentence Completion |
Number Series Data Interpretation Simplification/ Approximation Quadratic Equation Data Sufficiency Mensuration Average Profit and Loss Ratio and Proportion Work, Time, and Energy Time and Distance Probability Relations Simple and Compound Interest Permutation and Combination |
Current Affairs Banking Awareness GK Updates Currencies Important Places Books and Authors Awards Headquarters Prime Minister Schemes Important Days Basic Computer Knowledge |
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