Kerala TET result declared for February exam (screengrab)
Kerala TET February 2020 result: Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan has released the result for the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (KTET) today. The exams were held on February 15 and 16. Those who appeared for the exam can check their result at the official websites and
Those who clear the category I exam, are eligible to teach in class 1 to class 5, and those who clear category II exam will be eligible to teach in classes 6 to 9. Those who clear the exam in category IV are eligible for the job of a language teacher. However, clearing the KTET does not mean employment. For a job, candidates will have to clear the vacancy requirements separately.
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Kerala TET February 2020 result: How to check
Step 1: Visit the official website,
Step 2: Click on the result link
Step 3: Log-in using credentials
Step 4: Result will appear
It is advised to take a printout of the result. It can act as provisional mark sheet. This exam was notified in November and held in February. KTET answer key was released earlier and candidates had till March 17 to raise objections, if any. The result is based on final answer key.
Kerala TET is an MCQ based exam with 150 questions for one mark each. Candidates are given 2.5 hours to solve the test. KTET is an eligibility exam conducted by the Kerala Pareeksha Bhawan to recruit teachers at the level of lower primary, upper primary and high school classes in Kerala.
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