Practical experience in architecting solution based on Java technology using Microservices architecture style
• Develop design specification to meet functional and non-functional requirements
• Document and convey architectural/technology choices(after performing due trade-off analysis) to stakeholders
– Spring, Spring Boot, Angular, React for WebApps
– Hibernate, JPA for ORM
– JWT, Sprint etc. for securing the apps
– Apache Camel, Spring Integration, Active MQ or other message queueing technologies for application integration
– Junit, JUnitEE, ServeletUnit and mocking framewors for unit-testing
• Experience in at least one cloud platform – Azure or AWS
• Practical experience with deploying Java solution on Kubernetes
• Experience in popular application servers such as Tomcat, Wildfly
• Experience with build tools such as Maven, Gradle
• Experience in both relational(Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL etc.) and no-SQL databases (CosmosDb, Mongo etc.)
• Experience with Java on Azure is an advantage
• Able to troubleshoot performance/scalability issues

Experience Required –

• Serve as the technical lead for the entire project and take responsibility for the scope
• Lead the Fit/Gap analysis and architecture sessions and deliver selected workshops
• Take responsibility for the Azure reference design document and drive the decision process with AT&T
• Assist with Azure configuration and other solution build activities
• Assist with solution testing
• Support the solution walk-through
• Coordinate the activities of the team to deliver according to the project schedule.
• Facilitate status reviews with AT&T
• Help the project team focus on the right goals, and help it meet the critical success factors of the project
• Executing established (as mutually agreed to) policies and procedures for the project, e.g. quality assurance, team reference guide, communication plan, and setting up the environment

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