The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras has recorded a 32 per cent increase in internship offers on day one of the campus internship drive, which was conducted for the students of the 2022-23 batch. This internship drive was held in two sessions on August 6 and 13.

IIT Madras also recorded a 48 per cent increase in the number of students who secured an internship and a 28 per cent increase in the number of companies that visited IIT Madras for internship. The number of companies that visited increased from 20 in 2020 and 29 in 2021 to 37 this year.

Out of the total 37 companies that participated in day one sessions of the internship drive, a total of 13 companies conducted the interviews in physical mode on campus while another 24 conducted interviews completely online as this year the internship drive was conducted in Hybrid Mode with both in-person and online interviews. Due to the hybrid mode, students who are currently not in the city were also able to participate in the drive — a student currently based in Canada participated in the internship drive from Canada.

Texas Instruments emerged as the top recruiter this year as the company made 40 offers in totality, followed by the American Express with 20 offers. Boston Consulting Group and Goldman Sachs were the third and fourth highest recruiters with 17 and 16 internship offers respectively.

Over 15 international internship offers were received from seven companies, and the international internship offers came for profiles in the US, UK, Hong Kong, Singapore, and The Netherlands.

This year, the number of total offers has increased from 2022 in 2021 and 152 in 2020 to 263, and a total of 221 students got placed, which is much higher than 150 students in 2021 and 95 from 2020.

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