IBPS SO 2021 Prelims Preparation Strategies: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the IBPS SO 2021 Prelims Admit Card. The IBPS SO 2021 Prelims will be held on 26th December 2021 and IBPS SO 2021 Mains on 30th January 2022 for the recruitment of 1,828 Specialist Officers (SO) – Scale I across 11 participating Public Sector Banks during the CRP SPL-XI Recruitment Drive. The posts include IT Officer, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Agricultural Field Officer, Law Officer, Marketing Officer, and HR/Personnel Officer. The IBPS SO 2021 examination will be held in two phases – Online Preliminary and Online Mains. Only shortlisted candidates in the Mains will be called for the Interview phase. In this article, we share the IBPS SO 2021 Prelims Section-wise Preparation Strategies for English, Reasoning, Quantitative, and General Awareness.
IBPS SO 2021 Prelims Exam Pattern
The IBPS SO 2021 Prelims exam will be conducted in online mode (post-wise). It will consist of 150 Objective Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Each section will be allotted 40 minutes. The medium of exam for Reasoning and General Awareness (with Special Reference to Banking Industry) will be English & Hindi. The paper for the English Language will be conducted in English only.
IBPS SO 2021 Admit Card – Download Link
IBPS SO 2021 Prelims
For the post of Law Officer and Rajbhasha Adhikari
Section | No. of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Medium of Exam | Duration |
English Language | 50 | 25 | English | 40 Minutes |
Reasoning | 50 | 50 | English & Hindi | 40 Minutes |
General Awareness with Special Reference to Banking Industry |
50 | 50 | English & Hindi | 40 Minutes |
Total | 150 | 125 |
For the post of IT Officer, Agriculture Field Officer, HR/Personnel Officer, and Marketing Officer
Section | No. of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Medium of Exam | Duration |
English Language | 50 | 25 | English | 40 Minutes |
Reasoning | 50 | 50 | English & Hindi | 40 Minutes |
Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | English & Hindi | 40 Minutes |
Total | 150 | 125 |
IBPS SO 2021 Prelims Topic-wise Tips: How to prepare English Language?
English Language Syllabus: Reading Comprehension, Tenses Rules, Cloze Test (Fill in the Blanks), Para Jumbles, Idioms & Phrases, Error Detection, Multiple Meanings, Paragraph/Sentence Completion, Sentence Correction/Improvement,
Reading Comprehension: There is no one size fits all strategy for attempting RC questions. Regular practice is crucial to developing your speed, understanding tones of RCs. A strong understanding of grammar and vocabulary is required. The RCs are usually based on economy, banking, financial current affairs, vocabulary & grammar, and theme-based questions. Regularly read newspapers articles to develop reading skills.
Cloze Test: This is also one of the key topics that require careful reading of the passage to fill in the words that have been omitted or deleted from the passage. Establishing connections between the previous and next sentences is crucial. Using the elimination method, candidates should solve the questions that include nouns, pronouns, prepositions, conjugation, articles, and tenses.
Error Detection: It is one of the least time-consuming and easier topics in the English Language, candidates should attempt these in the beginning. Developing a good understanding of grammar, tenses, and vocabulary is key to sentence formation. Build up a strong vocabulary by spotting at least 10- 15 new words every day and understanding their meaning.
Sentence Correction: This topic assesses the fundamentals of English in candidates. Regular reading habits are beneficial to good sentence formation and sentence correction. Brush up basic grammar, tenses, vocabulary to apply correct usage of words in the sentence.
Para Jumbles: Candidates should first read the sections of the sentences carefully to understand the main theme of the paragraph. Look at the articles, adverbs, definers, connectors, pronouns, etc to take cues while arranging the phrases. Good practice of error detection and sentence correction comes in handy while solving para jumbles.
IBPS SO 2021 Prelims Topic-wise Tips: How to prepare Reasoning Ability?
Reasoning Ability Syllabus: Seating Arrangement, Puzzles, Inequalities, Syllogism, Input-Output, Data Sufficiency, Blood Relation, Order & Ranking, Alphanumeric Series, Coding-Decoding, Distance & Direction, Verbal Reasoning
Seating Arrangement/Puzzles: Practice all types of Seating Arrangement/Puzzles questions to score high. One should solve and understand the pattern of puzzles, seating arrangements questions such as linear arrangement and circular arrangement. Questions can also include diagram-based questions. One can expect 5 to 10 seating arrangement/puzzles questions.
Syllogism: Candidates can expect 4 to 5 syllogism questions with a slightly difficult level. Study the basics of Syllogism. Ace how to draw the Venn Diagram to avoid overlapping of categories mentioned in different statements. Practice as many mock tests as possible to develop accuracy.
Blood Relation: Candidates are advised to break the statements in the Blood Relation questions into subparts using a family tree diagram. Start with the last person mentioned in the question. This will reduce the confusion. Never assume the gender if it is not mentioned in the question. One can expect 3 to 5 blood relation questions.
Distance & Direction: Candidates should consider all eight directions and assume they are facing North to reduce limitations when solving. For rotation-based questions, one should assume the subject is rotating clockwise or anti-clockwise relative to the direction in which they are facing. One can expect 3 to 5 distance & direction questions.
Data Sufficiency: One of the time-consuming topics that require mental reasoning. One is advised to analyze and write down the gist of the question to avoid complications. Practice will help in increasing accuracy and speed in understanding the data provided. One can expect 4 to 5 data sufficiency questions.
Coding-Decoding: One should analyze the alphabets & numbers carefully to recognize if there is any pattern or rule for the elements mentioned in the questions. Always assess if the coding is in ascending or descending order. One can expect 3 to 5 coding-decoding questions.
IBPS SO 2021 Prelims: How to prepare Quantitative Aptitude?
Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus: Number Series, Data Interpretation, Simplification/Approximation, Quadratic Equation, Data Sufficiency, Mensuration, Average, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Work, Time & Energy, Time & Distance, Probability, Relations, Simple and Compound Interest, Permutation & Combination
Always begin with easy topics & questions. It is a MUST to learn basic concepts & formulas, squares upto 40, cubes upto 20, tables upto 20, percentage fractions upto 20, etc. Candidates should regularly practice at least 20 questions of Quadratic Equations and Simplification as well as 4 to 5 sets of Data Interpretation.
Data Interpretation: Questions would mostly be based on a pie chart, bar diagram, tabular chart, line graphs, missing data caselets. Multiplication tables and speedy calculations will be key to solving DI questions. One can expect 10 to 15 DI questions.
Arithmetic: Prepare all chapters in the Arithmetic such as Percentage, Profit & Loss, Alligation, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Partnership. Ages, Ration & Proportion, Average, Number System, HCF-LCM, Permutation & Combination, Mensuration, and Probability. One can expect 10 to 15 Arithmetic questions.
Simplification & Approximation: Questions would be based on the BODMAS rule, decimals, percentages, approximation, etc. These require quick calculations, hence candidates should practice the basic rules of simplification, BODMAS rule, converting decimal numbers to the nearest number. One can expect 5 to 7 Simplification & Approximation questions.
Quadratic Equations: Questions are usually based on comparing values of x and y when two equations are given. Practicing linear equations, squares equations, cases such as squares & square root case, cubes case, square & cube case, and table method to solve quadratic equations is crucial. One can expect 4 to 5 quadratic equation questions.
IBPS SO 2021 Prelims Topic-wise Tips: How to prepare General Awareness?
General Awareness Syllabus: Current Affairs, Banking Awareness, General Knowledge (GK), Currencies, Important Places, Books & Authors, Awards, Headquarters, Prime Minister Schemes, Important Days
Focus on Economy, banking and finance-related news. Read newspapers and magazines daily. Keep yourself updated with the past 4-6 months of current affairs. Daily revision and memorizing important dates, events, authors, books, places, political/ banking/economic events, currencies, and everything of significance is the key to scoring high General Awareness questions.
Wish you the best!
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