IBPS PO recruitment exam begin today (Express photo by Abhinav Saha/ Representational image)
IBPS PO 2020: The probationary officer exam conducted today was moderately difficult with the language section being the easiest part of the exam, claims Abhishek Patil, CEO, and co-founder, Oliveboard — an online exam preparation platform. Today was the first day of the recruitment exams held by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) to select candidates for the post of a probationary officer (PO).
In the reading section, most questions (about 8-10) were from reading comprehension followed by 5-7 questions fro close test and five from the error section.
In the numerical ability section — which students found moderately difficult — most questions were from the quadratic equation, approximation, line and bar graph sections. Further, miscellaneous topics like age, time and work, boats and stream, and percentage also had a large number of questions, informed Patil.
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In the reasoning ability section which was tougher compared to other sections, as per Patil, most questions from the designation-based puzzle, 8 people single row puzzle, and circular arrangements.
Students were given one hour to attempt 100 questions of one mark each. The exam was divided into three sections — English language, numerical ability, and reasoning ability. To pass the test, candidates will have to secure minimum cut-off marks that will be declared at the time of result. The exam also had negative marking. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. The 100 marks exam will include 30 questions from English and 35 each from quantitative aptitude and reasoning ability.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the exam will be held amid strict social distancing norms. Candidates were given different reporting times. Those who clear this exam will be called for the main exam followed by an interview round.
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The main exam will have reasoning and computer aptitude, general, economy or banking awareness, English language, and data analysis and interpretation as sub-sections. The exam will be of 200 marks with 155 questions. Candidates will be given three hours. Part II of the exam will have a letter-writing and essay section for 25 marks for which students will get 30 minutes.
This year, a total of 43 banks have advertised under IBPS RRB. Candidates will be selected as the level of officers (scale I, II, and III) which is at group A level and office assistant (multipurpose) at the group B level.
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