IBPS Clerk 2021 Prelims Expected Cut-off: Check IBPS Clerk Prelims 2021 Exam Expected Cut-Off marks along with Previous Years (2020 & 2019) Cut-off for IBPS Clerk Prelims & Mains exam.
IBPS Clerk 2021 Prelims Expected Cut-off: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will be conducting the IBPS Clerk 2021 Prelims exam on 12th, 18th, and 19th December 2021 and the IBPS Clerk 2021 Mains exam in January/February 2022 (Tentative) for the recruitment of 7,858 vacancies of clerks in public sector banks. IBPS Clerk XI Recruitment will be carried out in two phases – Online Preliminary and Online Mains Examinations. Candidates who have applied for the IBPS Clerk Recruitment 2021 need to appear for the IBPS Clerk Prelims and Mains Exams to get shortlisted for the Provisional Allotment. In this article, we have shared the IBPS Clerk Prelims & Mains exam Previous Years (2020 & 2019) Cut-off for gaining an understanding of the IBPS Clerk 2021 Prelims Cut Off. The official IBPS Clerk 2021 Prelims Cut-off marks will be revealed by the IBPS along with the IBPS Clerk Prelims Result 2021. Candidates who will be able to score the cut-off marks will get shortlisted to appear for the IBPS Clerk Mains 2021 examination.
Download IBPS Clerk Prelims Admit Card 2021 here
What factors are considered while determining the IBPS Clerk Cut-off?
The cut off is decided on the basis of the following factors:
(i) Total Number of Vacancies
(ii) Number of candidates appearing for the exam
(iii) Difficulty Level of Exam
IBPS Clerk 2021 Prelims: Exam Pattern
In IBPS Clerk Prelims 2021, candidates will be asked Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from three sections- English Language, Numerical Ability & Reasoning Ability. There is a sectional timing for each section. The exam will be conducted online. Have a look at the exam pattern of the IBPS Clerk Prelims:
Section |
No. of MCQs |
Marks |
Duration |
Medium of Exam |
English Language |
30 |
30 |
20 minutes |
English |
Reasoning Ability |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
As per State applied for |
Numerical Ability |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
As per State applied for |
Total |
100 |
100 |
1 Hour |
(i) The exam will be held online on a computer. Questions will be asked in Objective Multiple Choice format.
(iii) The medium of exam for questions of Reasoning Ability and Numerical Ability will be according to the State applied for.
(iii) There is separate sectional timing for each section. Candidates need to qualify each section in the Prelims by obtaining minimum cut-off marks.
(iv) There is a negative marking of 1/4th or 0.25 marks for each wrong answer marked by candidates. There will be no negative marking or penalty if an answer is left blank.
IBPS Clerk Prelims Expected Cut Off 2021
The IBPS Clerk 2021 Prelims Expected Cut-off will be updated after the completion of the first shift of the IBPS Clerk 2021 exam. The official IBPS Clerk 2021 Prelims Cut-off marks will be revealed by the IBPS along with the IBPS Clerk Prelims Result 2021. The Cut-off marks are different for Prelims and Mains exams.
(i) Candidates need to qualify each section in the Prelims by obtaining minimum cut-off marks.
(ii) Each candidate will be required to obtain a minimum score in each test of the online Mains exam and also a minimum total score to be considered for further process.
(iii) For provisional allotment, cut-offs will be decided depending on the number of State/ UT wise vacancies available.
Meanwhile, let us check the IBPS Clerk Cut-off marks for 2020 and 2019 to gain an understanding of the IBPS Clerk 2021 Expected Cut-off marks.
IBPS Clerk Previous Years Cut off (2020 & 2019)
IBPS Clerk Cut Off 2020: Prelims (Section-wise)
Category |
Name of the Section |
English Language |
Reasoning Ability |
Quantitative Aptitude |
General |
9.75 |
9.25 |
7.25 |
9.75 |
8.25 |
7.25 |
IBPS Clerk Cut Off 2020: Prelims (State-wise)
IBPS Clerk Prelims Cut-Off 2020-21 (General) |
State Name |
Cut Off |
Andhra Pradesh |
78 |
Bihar |
71.25 |
Delhi |
77 |
Gujarat |
72 |
Goa |
53.75 |
Himachal Pradesh |
72 |
J & K |
77.5 |
Jharkhand |
75.75 |
Kerala |
77.25 |
Madhya Pradesh |
77.75 |
Maharashtra |
69.75 |
Odisha |
75 |
Punjab |
75.25 |
Rajasthan |
78.25 |
Karnataka |
65.75 |
Telangana |
74.25 |
Tripura |
59.25 (OBC) |
Uttar Pradesh |
73.5 |
Uttarakhand |
78.50 |
West Bengal |
61.50 |
Tamil Nadu |
71 (OBC) |
IBPS Clerk Cut Off 2020: Mains (State & Category-wise)
State/ UT |
SC |
ST |
UR |
Andaman & Nicobar |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
23.25 |
Andhra Pradesh |
32 |
27 |
41.63 |
40.88 |
44.13 |
Arunachal Pradesh |
NA |
16.63 |
NA |
NA |
21.88 |
Assam |
30.75 |
23.38 |
28.63 |
28.13 |
37.75 |
Bihar |
27.38 |
33.38 |
39.13 |
40.83 |
44 |
Chandigarh |
29.25 |
NA |
31.63 |
34.50 |
34.50 |
Chattisgarh |
29.50 |
16.50 |
39.50 |
30.25 |
41.38 |
Dadar & Nagar Haweli |
NA |
31.50 |
NA |
NA |
37.88 |
Daman & Diu |
NA |
31.50 |
NA |
NA |
37.88 |
Delhi |
33.75 |
26.88 |
36.38 |
36.50 |
44 |
Goa |
NA |
16.50 |
32.25 |
29.63 |
30.50 |
Gujarat |
29.88 |
25.63 |
33.63 |
34 |
39.38 |
Haryana |
30.38 |
NA |
40.38 |
42.88 |
44.75 |
Himachal Pradesh |
34.13 |
36.63 |
37.75 |
40 |
44.75 |
Jammu & Kashmir |
42.63 |
31.63 |
37.25 |
42.25 |
45.38 |
Jharkhand |
17.50 |
20.63 |
37.75 |
34.25 |
39.25 |
Karnataka |
29 |
26.13 |
37.63 |
36.13 |
37.63 |
Kerala |
26.50 |
NA |
39.88 |
27.75 |
42.13 |
Ladakh |
NA |
31.88 |
NA |
NA |
24.38 |
Lakshadweep |
NA |
12.38 |
NA |
NA |
35.25 |
Madhya Pradesh |
16 |
17.50 |
17.88 |
24.50 |
36.38 |
Maharashtra |
32.88 |
22.88 |
33.88 |
22.88 |
38 |
Manipur |
34.13 |
33.63 |
38 |
28.50 |
34.38 |
Meghalaya |
NA |
26 |
NA |
NA |
29.88 |
Mizoram |
NA |
24.13 |
NA |
NA |
27 |
Nagaland |
NA |
28.75 |
NA |
NA |
29.50 |
Odisha |
26.25 |
22.13 |
40.50 |
34.63 |
43.25 |
Puducherry |
36.13 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
41.50 |
Punjab |
28.88 |
NA |
35.38 |
39.88 |
45.75 |
Rajasthan |
25.38 |
17.50 |
36.88 |
29.13 |
41.50 |
Sikkim |
NA |
NA |
39.38 |
NA |
33.38 |
Tamil Nadu |
33.75 |
28 |
44 |
32.63 |
44 |
Telangana |
32.88 |
35.75 |
40.63 |
39.88 |
41.13 |
Tripura |
27.88 |
16.50 |
NA |
26.75 |
36.75 |
Uttar Pradesh |
28.75 |
19.25 |
35.38 |
37.63 |
42 |
Uttarakhand |
34.38 |
NA |
32.88 |
39.88 |
46.13 |
West Bengal |
27.25 |
22.25 |
29.13 |
21.50 |
39.13 |
IBPS Clerk Cut Off 2019: Prelims (Section-wise)
Category |
Name of the Section |
English Language |
Reasoning Ability |
Quantitative Aptitude |
General |
8.25 |
7.50 |
7.75 |
4.75 |
2.75 |
3.50 |
IBPS Clerk Cut Off 2019: Prelims (State-wise)
State Name |
Cut-Off for General Category |
Andhra Pradesh |
66.25 |
Assam |
63 |
Bihar |
65 |
Chandigarh |
71.5 |
Delhi |
71.75 (General) 67 (OBC) |
Goa |
67 |
Gujarat |
67 |
Haryana |
68.5 |
Himachal Pradesh |
62.25 (General), 41.25 (OBC) |
Jammu & Kashmir |
Jharkhand |
73 (OBC, General) |
Karnataka |
53.25 (Ews) |
Kerala |
73.5 |
Madhya Pradesh |
70 |
Maharashtra |
61.50 |
Odisha |
71.50 |
Punjab |
66.25 |
Rajasthan |
71.25 |
Tamil Nadu |
57.75 |
Telangana |
61 |
Uttar Pradesh |
68.25 (General), 67 (OBC) |
Uttarakhand |
76 |
West Bengal |
70.75 |
IBPS Clerk Cut Off 2019: Mains (State & Category-wise)
State |
Cut Off for General Category |
Cut off OBC category |
Uttar Pradesh |
45.13 |
38.63 |
Delhi |
49.63 |
42.38 |
Madhya Pradesh |
44 |
41.63 |
Gujarat |
42.25 |
36.13 |
Goa |
35 |
32.25 |
Bihar |
45.38 |
42.63 |
Chattisgarh |
43.63 |
43.63 |
Tamil Nadu |
47 |
46.75 |
Odisha |
46.13 |
45.50 |
Rajasthan |
47.38 |
44.75 |
Haryana |
48.63 |
41 |
Andhra Pradesh |
45.13 |
44.13 |
Telangana |
43.88 |
43.38 |
Tripura |
40.13 |
– |
Karnataka |
40.38 |
38.75 |
Kerala |
49.63 |
47.88 |
Himachal Pradesh |
47.13 |
35.88 |
Jammu & Kashmir |
49.25 |
34.88 |
Maharashtra |
42.88 |
41 |
Jharkhand |
43.38 |
39 |
Assam |
41.88 |
36.50 |
West Bengal |
47.38 |
37.75 |
Punjab |
48.88 |
48.88 |
Chandigarh |
47.25 |
44.50 |
Arunachal Pradesh |
41.50 |
– |
Daman & Diu |
38.13 |
38.13 |
Sikkim |
42.13 |
39 |
Uttarakhand |
49.88 |
39.63 |
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