Written by AglaSem | New Delhi |
Published: August 12, 2020 1:24:23 pm
IBPS Clerk 2020: Check preparation tips and tricks
IBPS Clerk 2020: Among the entry-level jobs in the Indian banking and financial services sector is the cadre of clerical positions. However, the job of a clerk is highly sought after, especially by those who wish to establish a secure banking career. In this context, the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts a yearly recruitment process for eligible candidates at various nationalised banks of India. IBPS Clerk 2020 recruitment exams are already scheduled to be conducted in December 2020 and January 2021.
Although the IBPS Clerk 2020 registration process is yet to commence for the current year, those who are set on bagging a clerical cadre post in an Indian nationalised bank, can do a lot more than just wait. To ace the selection tests, one cannot simply rely on traditional elementary knowledge. Observing the typical strategy of toppers of the IBPS exam in the last few years, a common element is relentless and committed hard work, while keeping an eye on the goal.
So, how do toppers seemingly crack the exam in the first go and bag a clerical post? Well, easy as it might seem, the fruits of hard and smart work of the IBPS toppers take a long time to bear. A time that is dedicated to competitive study strategy that commences even before the IBPS is officially announced. This is the first and foremost strategy when it comes to the beginning of a competitive study strategy for the IBPS Clerk 2020 exam. The toppers do not wait for the Institute to initiate their study. Instead they start early preparations, often a year before and by the time the exam dates are announced, they are already through with their preparations, except for a few months of revision.
If the success story of the toppers of IBPS Clerk exam is to be observed keenly, one can easily notice that such candidates adopt a one exam at a time policy to secure higher marks. There are two stages of exams viz. the Prelims and the Main exams for which the Institute has separate exam patterns and issues separate admit cards. Those who secure the meritorious positions in the selection lists go about every stage of the exam with a tendency to secure higher marks in their strong areas to compensate for the weak areas. This means, completing the preparation for subjects such as General Awareness and Computer Knowledge well in advance and as one approaches the exam dates, focusing more on subjects such as Reasoning, English and Numerical Ability.
Having a dedicated study strategy for each subject is another unique trait observed in those who have topped the IBPS Clerk exam in the past few years. For example, a common strategy for General Awareness and English preparations is reference to daily newspapers and current affairs magazines. Besides keeping oneself updated on all latest happenings, such habits also help improve English proficiency. Similarly, for Reasoning and Numerical Ability, referring to mock tests and solving problems from question banks and similar books can give one a very good competitive advantage in cracking the exam.
A final piece of advice for those aspiring for the 2020 IBPS exam is to aim higher. This means, aiming to attempt 80-90% of the questions in each paper. Only by improving the number of good attempts can one expect to secure their place among the top of the selection lists. After all, who knows, you just might join the long list of candidates who have topped the exam.
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