HP TET 2020 postponed. Representational image/ file
HP TET 2020: The Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE) has postponed the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) June 2020 exam due to COVID-19 pandemic. The exam was scheduled to be held from August 2 to 9. As per the official release, the board will announce the revised dates taking note of the pandemic situations.
The exam for TGT and language teacher was scheduled to be held on August 2. TGT Arts, TGT medical on August 8 while and Punjabi and Urdu TET on August 9.
A total of 48,713 candidates had registered to appear for the exams which will be held in both English and Hindi. The question paper for Shastri will be partly in Sanskrit and partly in Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu language exams will be in the respective language.
The paper consists of 150 multiple-choice questions for one mark each. The duration of the exam is 2:30 hours and the minimum qualification criteria for the candidate is 60 marks. There is no negative marking scheme for this exam and it is held in offline mode. Students are instructed to use a blue or black pen.
Those who clear the exam will be eligible to work as a teacher in state-run schools.
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