Apply for jobs in Indian Air Force, SSB, UPPSC. Representational image/
Govt, Private Jobs 2020: Following the COVID-19 aftermath, the country is gradually returning to work, with government and private sectors are advertising for fresh recruitments. The candidates who are in search of jobs can apply for vacancies in Air Force, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), banks, public service commission, other sectors.
The online application process for most of the vacant posts will be closed by this month.
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COVID-19 hiring alert: Apply for these jobs
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Indian Air Force: The Indian Air Force will hold recruitment rally at districts in Rajasthan from October 9. The recruitment process will be conducted for ‘Group X’ trades and the rally is scheduled to be conducted till October 19 at 5 Airmen selection centre and Kendriya Vidyalaya- 2 Air Force, Jodhpur. The candidates can apply through the website- from September 27 to 28.
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Sashastra Seema Bal SSB recruitment 2020: The Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has released a notification inviting interested, eligible candidates for various posts of constables. There are in total 1,522 vacancies across various posts including driver (male only), laboratory assistant, veterinary, ayah (female only), carpenter, plumber, painter, tailor, cobbler, gardner, cook, washerman, barber, safaiwala, water carrier (male and female) and waiter (male).
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The candidates who are eligible for various vacancies can apply through the website- The online application process is on and will be closed on September 27.
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Bank of India recruitment 2020: The Bank of India (BOI) has invited applications for 214 vacant posts across different positions. Interested can apply at till September 30. The vacancies are for 214 posts.
BPSC recruitment: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has released the advertisement for the 66th combined competitive exam (CCE) at its official website A total of 562 vacancies are to be filled through this recruitment process. Of these, 169 vacant posts are reserved for female candidates, as per the official notice. The application process will be closed on October 20.
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UPPSC recruitment 2020: The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC), Prayagraj has released the detailed notification inviting applications for the posts of a total of 610 vacant posts across designations. The candidates will get a maximum remuneration of over Rs 2 lakh per month. The application process is on and the last date to submit fees is October 1, however, candidates can submit online applications till October 5.
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