RRB MI recruitment exam 2020 answer key: The answer key for the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) isolated and ministerial categories recruitment exams has been released today. As per the board, the answer key will be available to download till February 28.

This will be a preliminary answer key and candidates can raise objections against the answer key. Objections raised will be studied and if the objection raised is found right, the answer key will be changed. The change will be reflected in the final answer key. Results are based on the final answer key and no objections are accepted thereafter.

How to raise objection on answer key

To raise objections, candidates need to download the answer key and check it carefully, in case any error occurs, candidates will have to submit an objection along with supporting proofs at the RRB websites. They will have to do so in the given time frame and pay Rs 50 per question.

Candidates will have to raise an objection in English only, as per the latest guidelines. Additionally, the objection-raising fee submitted by the candidates will only be refunded if their answer is deemed correct by the panel.

Steps to raise objection on NTPC answer key

Step 1: Visit the region based official websites

Step 2: On the home page click on the link, ‘RRB MI recruitment exam answer key’

Step 3: Log-in using your registration number

Step 4: Click on the raise object link

Step 5: Raise objection for the questions, pay fee and submit

RRB MI answer key 2020: Regional websites

RRB Guwahati (www.rrbguwahati.gov.im), RRB Jammu (www.rrbjammu.nic.in), Kolkata (www.rrbkolkata.gov.in), Malda (www.rrbmalda.gov.in), Mumbai (www.rrbmumbai.gov.in), Muzaffarpur (www.rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in), Patna (www.rrbpatna.gov.in), Ranchi (www.rrbranchi.gov.in), Secunderabad (www.rrbsecunderabad.nic.in), Ahmedabad (www.rrbahmedabad.gov.in), Ajmer (www.rrbajmer.gov.in), Allahabad (www.rrbald.gov.in), Bangalore (www.rrbbnc.gov.in), Bhopal (www.rrbbpl.nic.in), Bhubaneshwar (www.rrbbbs.gov.in), Bilaspur (www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in), Chandigarh (www.rrbcdg.gov.in), Chennai (www.rrbchennai.gov.in), Gorakhpur (www.rrbguwahati.gov.in), Siliguri (www.rrbsiliguri.org). Thiruvananthapuram (www.rrbthiruvananthapuram.gov.in).

Following the preliminary answer key and the final answer key, the result will be announced.

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