Organizing training programmes, seminars and workshops, in consultation

with Chairman-Technology, Training and Energy, including;

 Preparation of Training Calendar;

 Gathering suggestions from members regarding probable training

programmes and seminars;

 Co-ordinating with faculties and ensuring smooth organization of the

training programmes and seminars;

 Analyzing feedbacks received from participants;

 Executing all matters pertaining to the Registrar of Companies, as guided by

the Company Secretary;

 Preparing Monthly Reports and Presentations on trends of major factors

influencing the forging industry;

 Co-ordinating with the Managing Committee for organizing national and

international conferences, including;

 Distribution of duties within the Secretariat and supervising the same;

 Co-ordinating with professional conference organizer in ensuring the

smooth organization of the conferences;

 Assisting members, delegates and sponsors with respect to the details

of the conferences;

 Supervising maintenance of accounts and preparation of budgets for various

activities of the Association, in consultation with Chairman-Finance and


 Interacting with Government officials in matters pertaining to the development

of the forging industry;

 Supervising recruitment services for member companies;

 Strategizing additional services for members from time to time, in consultation

with the Managing Committee;

 Supervising recruitment for the Secretariat and maintenance of

documentation, including;

 Assigning tasks to the Secretarial staff and supervising performance of

the same;

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