Indian Railways is committed to our customers for providing user-friendly services through both online and offline mode. To achieve this objective for passenger’s satisfaction and to facilitate Divyangjan passengers, Bikaner Division, North Western Railways has taken initiative for online registration and status query system for divyangjan passengers to get their e-ticketing photo identity card which can be used to obtain concession on both system tickets and E-Tickets from IRCTC. The provision of on-line registration facility for e-ticketing photo identity card is established by Bikaner Division to facilitate People with Disabilities (Divyangjan) for hassle-free submission and issuance of “e-ticketing photo identity card” to obtain concession by them for travelling in trains over Indian railways network.
Passengers may apply online from this website or offline by submitting their form along with required documents at dedicated windows in Commercial Branch of Divisional Railway Manager’s office and get the identity card issued after thorough verification from certificate issuing hospital.
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