UPSC CSE prelims 2021: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will conduct the civil service prelims exam (CSE) 2021 on June 27. UPSC in a notification today mentioned, “CS(P)E-2021 (including IFoS(P)E-2021) shall be conducted as per already declared schedule on 27.06.2021. Detailed Notifications for CSE-2021 and IFoSE-2021 shall be published in due course.” The candidates can apply through the website-

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The preliminary test consists of paper-I and II. In the objective type, multiple choice questions are asked that carry a total of 400 marks. In the general studies paper – II, a candidate has to qualify with a minimum of 33 per cent marks.

Negative marks for every question is one-third of the marks assigned to that question. The questions in paper-I come from seven different test areas like 1) Science and technology, 2) history and culture, 3) geography, 4) Indian Polity, 5) Indian economy, 6) environment and ecology and 7) current events of national and international importance.

For updates on recruitment notification, visit the website-

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