By: Careers Desk | New Delhi |

Published: March 31, 2020 12:07:49 pm

SBI Clerk Mains SBI Clerk Mains is likely to be postponed

Coronavirus: Taking note of the lockdown due to coronavirus pandemic, the State Bank of India is likely to postpone the clerk main examinations scheduled to be held on April 19. “The clerk main examination is likely to be held on April 19, but it may be be deferred taking note of the situation. The notification regarding the same will be released in a day or two,” said an official.

The revised dates of the examinations will be announced after lockdown. The hall ticket will be available a week before the examination. The candidates can download the hall ticket through the website- careers.

The SBI Clerk main examination will be of 2 hours 40 minutes. The paper will contain questions from General English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude, General/Financial Awareness. The candidates who will clear the examinations, have to appear for the interview, following which, appointment will be done.

SBI Clerk Main exams 2019: Syllabus

Quantitative Aptitude: Simplification, Number Series, Data Sufficiency, Data Interpretation, Quadratic Equation, Time and Distance, Work, Partnership, Profit & Loss, Simple and Compound Interest, Mixture and Allegations, Ratio & Proportion, Averages, Percentages

General English: Reading comprehension including Synonyms and Antonym, Sentence rearrangement or Para jumbles, Sentence Correction/ Error Finding, Spell Checks, Fillers, Cloze Test.

General Awareness

Current Affairs – news on banking industry, awards and honors, books and authors, latest appointments, obituaries, new schemes of central and state governments, sports, etc.

GK – country-capital, country-currency, headquarters of financial organizations (of insurance companies), constituencies of ministers, dance forms, nuclear and thermal power stations, etc.

Banking/ Financial terms, Static Awareness, Banking and Financial Awareness

Reasoning Ability: Internet, Machine Input/ Output, Syllogism, Blood Relation, Direction Sense, Inequalities, Puzzles, Coding-Decoding, Ranking, Statement and Assumptions.

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