IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims to be held on 3rd and 4th September 2022 for recruitment of 6000+ vacancies of Clerical cadre posts. Check Best Tips to Score High in IBPS Clerk exam.
IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Instructions 2022: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will be conducting the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 on 3rd and 4th September 2022 for the recruitment of personnel for Clerical cadre posts in 11 Participating Banks across India. Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Participating Banks as a Clerk or in a similar post in that cadre, is required to register for the Common Recruitment Process (CRP Clerks -XII).
The online written examination will be two tier i.e. the online examination will be held in two phases: Online Preliminary and Online Main. Candidates who will qualify in Online Preliminary Examination and shortlisted will have to appear for Online Main Examination. Candidates who qualify in the Main examination and are sufficiently high in the merit will be shortlisted for provisional allotment to one of the Participating Banks.
Along with the Official Notification, IBPS has declared the tentative exam dates, number of vacancies, exam pattern and syllabus, participating banks and exam centers. In this article, we are sharing important details about the IBPS Clerk 2022 Exam Dates, Syllabus & Latest Exam Pattern.
About IBPS Clerk Recruitment
IBPS, an autonomous body, conducts the Common Recruitment Process once every year for the selection of personnel for Clerical cadre Posts in the Participating Banks across India.
IBPS Clerk 2022 Calendar
IBPS Clerk 2022 Events |
Important Dates |
Online Registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates |
1st July 2022 to 21st July 2022 |
Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Online) |
1st July 2022 to 21st July 2022 |
Download of call letters for Pre- Exam Training* |
August 2022 |
Pre-Exam Training* |
August 2022 |
Prelims Exam Admit Card Download |
August 2022 |
Online Prelims Exam |
3rd and 4th September 2022 |
Prelims Exam Result |
September/ October 2022 |
Mains Exam Admit Card Download |
September/ October 2022 |
Online Mains Exam |
8th October 2022 (Tentative) |
Provisional Allotment |
April 2023 |
*In case it is possible and safe to hold PET
IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern 2022
The selection process for the IBPS Clerk 2022 will be carried out in three phases: Online Prelims Exam and Online Mains Exam. Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests in the Online Prelims by securing cut-off marks to be decided by IBPS. Candidates should qualify in the Online Main Examination and be sufficiently high in the merit to be considered for subsequent provisional allotment process.
The IBPS Clerk Prelims will include three sections: English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability whereas the IBPS Clerk Mains will include four sections: Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and General/ Financial Awareness.
IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern
S. No. |
Name of Tests (Objective) |
No. of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration |
1 |
English Language |
30 |
30 |
20 minutes |
2 |
Numerical Ability |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
3 |
Reasoning Ability |
35 |
35 |
20 minutes |
Total |
100 |
100 |
1 Hour |
IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims Shift Timings
IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims Shifts |
Timings |
First Shift |
9.00 am to 10.00 am |
Second Shift |
11.30 am to 12.30 am |
Third Shift |
2.00 pm to 3.00 pm |
Fourth Shift |
4.30 pm to 5.30 pm |
ADMIT CARD: Call letter of the Preliminary Exam will not be collected at the examination venue. However, it will be duly authenticated/ Stamped by the exam center staff. The candidate will need to retain the call letter (along with authenticated/ stamped copy of the ID proof) safely. However, the scribe form (wherever applicable) will be collected during the Preliminary Exam. PHOTOGRAPHS: Candidates need to bring one additional photograph (same as pasted by the candidate on call letter) along with the call letter and other requisite documents as per information provided in the ‘information handout’ and call letter. Candidates reporting without photograph pasted on the call letter or without one additional photograph (same as pasted on call letter) will not be allowed to appear for the exam. It is advisable that the candidate retains about 8 copies of the same photograph which is uploaded at the time of Application as these would be needed for further stages of this selection process. IDENTITY VERIFICATION: DOCUMENTS In the examination hall, the call letter along with a photocopy of the candidate’s currently valid photo identity (bearing exactly the same name as it appears on the call letter) such as PAN Card/ Passport/ Permanent Driving License/ Voter’s Card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer/ People’s Representative along with a photograph / Identity Card issued by a recognized college/ university/ Aadhar/ E-Aadhar card with a photograph/ Employee ID/Bar Council Identity card with photograph should be submitted to the invigilator for verification. The candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter, in the Attendance List and the requisite documents submitted. If the identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the Examination. Ration Card and Learner’s Driving License will not be accepted as valid id proof for this project. In the case of candidates who have changed their name, they will be allowed only if they produce original Gazette notification / their original marriage certificate/affidavit in original. |
IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022: Operational Instructions for Exam
1. Total duration of the examination is 60 minutes. [20 minutes compensatory time for every 60 minutes (1 hour) of the examination time for candidates with a disability eligible for compensatory time.] The clock will be set on the server. The countdown timer in the top right corner of the screen will display the remaining time available for you to complete the examination. When the timer reaches zero, the examination will end by itself. You will not be required to end or submit your examination.
2. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of the screen will show the status of each question using one of the following symbols:
3. Answering a Question:
Procedure for answering a multiple choice type question:
- To select your answer, click on the button of one of the options b. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button c. To change your chosen answer, click on the button of another option d. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next button e. To mark the question for review, click on the Mark for Review & Next button. If an answer is selected for a question that is Marked for Review, that answer will be considered in the evaluation.
- To change your answer to a question that has already been answered, first select that question for answering and then follow the procedure for answering that type of question.
- Note that ONLY Questions for which answers are saved or marked for review after answering will be considered for evaluation.
NOTE: After the expiry of time the candidates will not be able to attempt any question or check their answers. Upon completion of test time, answers of the candidates would be saved automatically by the computer system even if they have not clicked the “Submit” button.
IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims Exam-related Instructions & COVID-19 Guidelines
1. Different reporting times will be printed for a set of candidates. Candidates are required to report at the exam venue strictly as per the time slot mentioned in the admit card AND/OR informed via SMS/Mail on their registered mobile number/mail prior to the exam date. Candidates should report at least 15 minutes before the reporting time indicated on the Call Letter to avoid crowding. Entry into the exam venue will be provided ONLY based upon the time slot allotted to a candidate.
2. Mapping of ‘Candidate Roll Number and the Lab Number’ will NOT be displayed outside the exam venue, but the same will be intimated to the candidates individually at the time of the entry of the candidate to the exam venue and post their Admit Card/ Call Letter and ID verification.
3. Candidates need to adhere strictly to the list of items permitted in the exam venue. All Candidates must strictly follow the social distancing mode of conduct during the exam.
(ii) Gloves
(iii) Personal transparent water bottle (Candidates are advised to bring their own water bottle)
(iv) Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
(v) A simple pen
(vi) Exam-related documents (Call Letter/Admit Card, ID card in Original, Photocopy of ID Card, etc)
(vii) Call Letter/Admit Card should be brought with the Photocopy of the Photo ID stapled with it. Original ID (same as Photocopy) is also to be brought for verification. The name on the ID and on the Call Letter/Admit Card should be exactly the same.
(viii) In case of Scribe Candidates – Scribe form duly filled and signed with Photograph affixed.
4. Candidates should not share any of their personal belonging/material with anyone
5. Candidates should maintain a safe social distance from one another.
6. Candidates should stand in the row as per the instructions provided at the venue.
7. If a candidate is availing the scribe, then the scribe also should bring their own Gloves, N95 Mask, sanitizer (50ml), and water bottle. Wearing a mask is compulsory. Both candidate and Scribe will require to be wearing N95 Mask.
8. All candidates must have Aarogya Setu App installed on their mobile phone. The Aarogya Setu status must show the risk factor of the candidate. A candidate will have to display this status to the Security Guard at the entry into the exam venue. In case a candidate does not have a smartphone, he/she will have to bring in a signed declaration to this effect (declaration form provided in Annexure- IV) and show the same to the Security Guard at the entry into the exam venue. Candidates with Moderate or High-Risk Status on Aarogya Setu will not be allowed entry. In case any of the responses in the declaration suggest COVID-19 infection/symptoms, the candidate will not be permitted inside the exam venue. [This instruction is also applicable to the scribe brought by the candidate]
9. After the checking of Aarogya Setu’s status at the entry gate, candidates will be required to switch off their mobile phones, and deposit them at the designated location, to be collected while exiting.
10. All candidates will be checked with Thermo guns at the entry point for temperature. In case, any person is observed to be having above normal temperature (> 99.14° F) or displaying any symptoms of the virus, they will not be allowed entry into the venue.
11. Candidate registration will be done through photo capture. Photographs will be taken while the candidate is standing. A seat number will be given to the candidate.
12. Rough sheet(s) kept at each candidate’s desk will be used by the candidate. After the end of the examination, candidates need to drop the rough sheets in the designated dropbox as instructed at the venue.
13. Post Examination Controls: On completion of a shift, the candidates should move out in an orderly manner without crowding as instructed by the venue staff.
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