World Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated all across the globe on the 22nd of April to extend support for the protection of the environment. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970. 22nd April 2023 marks 53 years of World Earth Day. People celebrate Earth Day by organizing various activities like planting trees, raising awareness, etc. Many events and campaigns are being held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection.

Earth Week is an unofficial extended celebration of Earth Day that focuses on gathering more attention to the campaign. Earth Week is celebrated from 16 to 22 April every year. This week is dedicated to educating people about Earth Day, climate change, and the need to take steps against it. Earth Week is a great opportunity to take steps and initiate conversations about protecting the planet.

World Earth Day 2023 Theme

The theme for World Earth Day is in continuation of the 2022 theme, “Invest in Our Planet”. This theme focuses on the message of making effort to save our planet far and wide. The five feature programs of the Earth Day 2023 theme are:

  1. Sustainable Fashion
  2. The Great Global Cleanup
  3. Canopy Project
  4. Climate and Environmental Literacy
  5. Food and Environment, and the Global Earth Challenge

“We must act decisively to protect our planet from both the coronavirus and the existential threat of climate disruption.” – UN Secretary-General António Guterres

53rd Earth Day

Earth offers us biological diversity and carries various species protecting it from various factors. As human beings, it is our today to nurture the earth and save it from deteriorating further. With global warming and climate change posing a threat to humanity, it is high time that we don’t take the earth for granted. On the 53rd Earth Day, let’s pledge to make the earth a better place for the living of human beings and other organisms.

“Creation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of only a few: Creation is a gift…a wonderful gift that God has given us so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude” (Pope Francis).

World Earth Day 2023: History and Significance

The idea of Earth Day was first thought of by peace activist John McConnell at a UNESCO Conference in 1969. The concept of celebrating this day was to honor the Earth and maintain peace on it. Here is the complete timeline of World Earth Day:

  • The first earth day was celebrated on 22nd April 1970 in the United States.
  • In 1990, the coordinator, Denis Hayes, made an initiative to make this day a global celebration and 141 countries participated in it.
  • In 2016, Earth Day was made official by signing the Paris Agreement, an intergovernmental treaty for climate protection.
  • In the year 2020, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of World Earth Day.

Celebrate 53rd World Earth Day 2023 On 22nd April_40.1

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