The Bihar B.Ed common entrance test (CET) has been rescheduled amid the coronavirus situation in the state. The exam was to be held on July 11 but now has been postponed, read an official statement released by the nodal university, Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Kameshwaranagar, Darbhanga. The CET scores will be used for admission to two-year B.Ed/Shiksha Shastri Programme.

“Due to unavoidable circumstances, the Bihar B.Ed CET, which was scheduled on July 11 has been postponed. Fresh updates on the exam date and other related information will be notified soon,” the nodal university said in a statement. Candidates can find updates on the official website of the exam,

Read | Bihar BEd CET 2021: Seven important things to know about exam

The Bihar B.Ed CET 2021 syllabus is prescribed officially. The syllabus includes topics from General English Comprehension, Logical & Analytical Reasoning, General Awareness, and Teaching-Learning Environment in Schools. Bihar B.Ed CET is a pen-paper-based examination. The candidates have to use a blue / black ball pen to mark the answers. The duration of the test is 2 hours and it will have 120 multiple-choice questions. The maximum number of marks in the exam will be 120. There is no negative marking for wrong answers.

After the exam, the Bihar B.Ed CET 2021 result will be announced at The qualified candidates have to take part in Bihar B.Ed CET 2021 counselling. Admission shall be offered on a merit basis according to B.Ed CET. The candidates shall have to give the choices of the university as well as a particular institute or college.

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