The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) 66th Mains examination will be conducted from July 29 till July 31. Previously, the examinations were scheduled to be conducted from June 5. However, it was postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The BPSC has also released the schedule for the examinations, according to which, the General Hindi examination and General Studies – Paper 1 will be conducted on July 29. The former will be conducted from 10 am till 1 pm while the latter will take place from 2 pm till 5 pm. The General Studies- Paper 2 will be conducted on July 30 from 10 am till 1 pm. On July 31, the optional subject examination will be conducted from 2 pm till 5 pm.

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The BPSC stated in the notice that the admit cards for candidates will be made available a week prior to the examination date on the official BPSC website- Candidates are required to download their admit cards from the website. The BPSC will not send admit cards to candidates by post.

The BPSC 66th Mains examination is being conducted to fill 731 vacancies in various departments under the Bihar government. Out of the total number of vacancies, 169 posts have been reserved for women.

The preliminary examination was conducted on December 27, and the re-exam was conducted on February 14 in 35 districts across the state. Candidates who qualified in the preliminary examination were then eligible to appear for the mains examination. Those candidates who clear the Mains examination will be called for an interview, which will hold a weightage of 120 marks. Scores achieved by candidates in the mains examination and in the interview are considered by the commission for formulating the final merit list.

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