In view of the sudden surge in the Covid 19 situation, the Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has announced to postpone the main written examination for the post of HP Forest Service (Assistant Conservator of Forest) Class I.
“It is for the information of all concerned that the Main Written Examination to the posts of H.P.F.S. (Assistant Conservator of Forest) Class-I (Gazetted), in the Department of Forest Himachal Pradesh, scheduled w.e.f. 03-05-2021 to 07-05-2021 has been postponed in view of resurgence of COVID cases across the country. The next date (s) of Main Written Examination will be intimated in due course of time,” reads the official notification.
The HPPSC Forest Service (ACF) 2019 Main examination was scheduled to be conducted from May 3 to 7, which now stands postponed until further notice.
The commission will announce the next date for the examination on their official website on Candidates are advised to check the website frequently for further updates.
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