REET 2021: The Rajasthan Eligibility Exam for Teachers (REET) 2021 will be held on April 25. The exam will be conducted by Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan after almost three years gap. The registrations for REET are ongoing at the official website as per schedule after the board extended the last date to February 20. In addition, BSER has also released the information brochure at the website of BSER containing the rules and regulations of the upcoming exam.

Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan has specified the complete scheme and pattern of REET in the official information brochure. REET syllabus is based on the child development and pedagogy and language I and II in both the papers. In addition, the syllabus of paper 1 also includes the subjects of maths and environmental science. Similarly, the syllabus of paper 2 consists of the subjects of maths and science/ social science besides the common subjects.

Candidates preparing for the upcoming exam may note the details of the exam pattern in the official information brochure. The exam is being conducted for two papers where Paper 1 is for those who aspire to be a teacher of Class I to V while paper 2 is for those who aspire to be a teacher of classes 6 to 8.

Candidates appearing for paper 2 have to choose any one among the subjects of maths and science or social science depending on their preference to become a subject teacher in. Similarly, for the language papers, candidates can choose among the language options of English, Hindi, Sindhi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Punjabi and Gujarati.

It may be noted that the REET question paper consists of objective type questions only. As per the official information brochure, there are 150 questions in each paper carrying 1 mark each. Candidates are allowed 2.5 hours duration to complete the test for each paper. In paper 1, 30 questions are asked from each subject while in paper 2, 30 questions are asked from each of the common subjects while 60 questions are asked from the optional maths and science/ social science subject.

REET admit card is issued by the BSER through candidate login before the exam date. It essentially marks the commencement of last-minute preparations for the exam. However, aspirants are advised to start studying for the exam without waiting for any further changes in the exam date.

A change in the exam date is reportedly likely after an MLA in Rajasthan requested the Chief Minister for a change in the exam date as it collides with the festival of Mahavir Jayanti.

In 2021, the REET exam is being conducted to fill up approximately 31,000 vacancies for third grade teachers in the state of Rajasthan. Thus, candidates can envisage the level of competitiveness, especially when it is being conducted after such a long gap. Extensive practice and preparations before the exam are therefore necessary to secure one’s position near the top of the REET merit lists.

One of the most effective preparation strategies to start with is referring to the REET previous year question papers. By doing so, candidates can analyse the type and pattern of questions conventionally asked by the board in the REET question paper. While referring to the question papers, candidates can also conjointly utilise the corresponding year’s REET answer key for official solutions to the question papers.

REET aspirants are also advised to indulge in solving mock tests to prepare for the exam. Mock tests are great practice materials and enable a candidate to get an idea of appearing in the exam in advance.

In addition, candidates are also advised to adopt smart preparation strategies. For instance, from the analysis of the previous year papers of the REET exam, candidates must identify the high yield topics for the exam and prepare for them extensively.

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